Why Your Organization Should Hire a Hypnotherapist

#hypnosis #subconsciousmind

As a hypnotherapist with a content marketing background, I understand that roughly ninety percent of my clients are making investment decisions with their subconscious mind, not their conscious mind.

Knowing your ideal client's subconscious tendencies, is not mind control or manipulation. Rather, you can sort out who is the best client for your product or service and waste less time. 

Not only is hypnotherapy great for understanding your client's subconscious mind, it's also amazing for increasing your team's creativity, problem-solving, and overall sense of self. 


Usually we receive our best ideas right before we go to sleep, driving, in flow at a coffee shop, or while we're in the shower. Our brain begins going in and out of brain wave states from Beta to Theta, for example, and as you relax, the best ideas begin to come forth.

When we put more pressure or strain on receiving our best idea, it's less likely to come. High achieving entrepreneurs know this to be true. Allow our minds and bodies to be active, engages our subconscious, and brings forth the best ideas without working so hard. 

For example, accessing a state of trance through hypnosis, our critical faculty reduces when we go into a state of deep relaxation. This means the conscious mind has significantly less self-talk and stops interfering with the creative process. Without analytical barriers in the way, the subconscious is allow to flow and come up with ideas and solutions that otherwise cannot be accessed. 



Entrepreneurs who I work with are able to have high sustainable income and report feeling more connected to their intuition despite external forces telling them what they should be doing. 


As a CEO, learning about the subconscious can help you boost overall employee satisfaction and performance. You're encouraging relaxation, and a creative state, and it's something that can be done outside of the office, or you can bring in a hypnotherapist into the workplace.



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