January 2020 Income Report

incomereport revenuereport

January was a month that really brought Gio and I together, right before our wedding in early February, financially, emotionally... our intimacy has been closer than ever. 

I haven't published an income report since last May because we were focused on planning our wedding and it's been wild. We also moved to Georgia.

2019 was a year of finding out what sticks (with my soul) and growing to 6 figures in two years.

A milestone I achieved in August, just after moving to Georgia. 

Here's a brief update for January 2020 -  I really feel like these help new entrepreneurs and gives that hope and glimpse into what is possible (because with social media and e-courses on the rise, it is possible).


What's changed in 2020 

✨I run two brands: Kayley Robsham Coaching and The Higher Ed Entrepreneur. It's been challenging and fun to watch both of these brands come to life. 

✨I'm now married to Gio after a two year engagement.

✨I'm consciously choosing to slow down way more, and prioritize people over profits. This means I still launch high ticket programs and I also have 1-2 sliding scale clients at any given time. I find so much abundance in community and the connections I've created from student affairs and the online coaching world. It also honors the facts that the Black and Indigenous and People of Color community have drastically less access to resources (generational wealth, social capital, etc). 


What was my revenue in January?

I received $11,534.70 before expenses. 

I received this steadily each month of the year it would total to $138,416.


Here is the breakdown of January's Income:

VIP 1:1 Clients: $9242.65

Mastermind Clients: $1200

SA Pro to CEO Group Coaching Program: $1092.05


Upcoming Offers

· I have 2 sliding scale spots open, and use a specific chart to help clients determine what a 3 month financial commitment to coaching looks like. 

· I have 1 VIP 1:1 spot opening in March. This is a high time and financial commitment for womxn or more feminine-centered people to scale to a 6 figure business. 

· I am unveiling a Sales/Launching Mastermind opportunity. 2 women have already signed up, 6 spots remain open. A weekend retreat will be held in St. Petersburg, Florida at the end of May focused on healing, receiving, and building a successful online/in-person brand. 



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